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your hub for digital activism.

Think Instagram 2.0.



Founded by two former Google Employees, COMMUNITYx is Your New Hub For Digital Activism.

The modern age of activism has not arrived without challenges. Users on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok are experiencing censorship, shadow banning, algorithmic discrimination, and other data privacy issues. Users are also frustrated with the lack of digital activism tools available directly on these platforms. That’s why we created COMMUNITYx, your new hub for digital activism – created by a racially diverse team of technologists and activists.

Our platform allows you to create any call-to-action – such as events, petitions, fundraisers, boycotts, and more. You can also join cause-based communities and participate in cause-focused dialogue.

Our Founder & CEO, Chloë Cheyenne, is a bi-racial woman who was inspired to create a new form of social media after her father was nearly murdered by Chicago Police. Officers raided her grandmother’s home on the Southside of Chicago and shot her father nearly 12 times. As they further searched the home, they realized they had the wrong address and planted drugs to cover up their mistake. Chloë’s mom was able to transport her dad to a nearby hospital, where doctors miraculously saved his life. However, upon release from the hospital, her dad began a lifelong journey of physical rehab, and was also fighting for his innocence in court against The City of Chicago. Chloe’s dad remains physically handicapped with a bullet still lodged in his spine to this day. As a result, Chloë and her family have been organizing for police reform since 1989.